AIDS Research and Therapy is an open access, peer reviewed journal publishing basic science and clinically important research articles to help abate the spread of AIDS. The journal is edited by Kailash C. Gupta with the assistance of an expert Editorial Board, including Deputy Editor Greg T. Spear, and Section Editors Edward A. Berger (Basic Science), Genoveffa Franchini (Vaccines), Magnus Gisslen (Neuro-AIDS), Richard Koup (Therapeutics), and John J. Rossi (Novel treatment strategies).
Chaque mois, la revue Actualités pharmaceutiques vous propose de retrouver toutes les informations indispensables pour votre pratique quotidienne grâce à ses rubriques:Actualités Toute l'actualité médicale, pharmaceutique et professionnelle de l'équipe officinale.FormationDes informations rigoureuses et de qualité indispensables pour la formation continue des pharmaciens : mises au point sur des pathologies, dossier de fond de haut niveau pour faire le point sur une classe thérapeutique.PratiqueDes rubriques régulières couvrant l'ensemble des fonctions de la pratique quotidienne officinale (conseil, dispensation, pharmacovigilance, prévention, substitution, vétérinaire) et des domaines thérapeutiques (allopathie, phytothérapie, homéopathie, dermocosmétologie...).GuideUn mémo riche en informations utiles pour la gestion de l'officine : nouveaux produits, législation, marketing, merchandising, livres, agenda, agencement, gestion et informatique.
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of pharmacological sciences.
Advances in Therapy is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the rapid publication of studies in clinical medicine, including research on existing drugs and drugs in development across a range of therapeutic areas.The journal is of interest to a broad audience of pharmaceutical and healthcare professionals and publishes original research papers, drug reviews, and other contributions to drug therapy, diagnosis, instrumentation, and related fields.Please note: Advances in Therapy's open access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License, which allows users to read, copy, distribute, and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited. The author assigns the exclusive right to any commercial use of the article to Springer. For more information about the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License, click here:
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics is an international journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. The journal accepts original papers and systematic reviews concerned with clinical gastroenterology, hepatology and endoscopy. AP&T is particularly interested in therapies and diagnostics, including all aspects of translation from bench to bedside: identification of novel therapeutic targets, epidemiology, clinical trials, drug safety and meta-analyses.
Promoting rational therapy within the discipline of cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs covers all aspects of the management of cardiovascular disorders, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established agents.The journal includes current opinion on contentious issues and emerging areas, and definitive reviews on a broad range of topics relating to the optimum management of cardiovascular disorders.
The American Journal of Therapeutics is an indispensable resource for all prescribing physicians who want to access pharmacological developments in cardiology, infectious disease, oncology, anesthesiology, nephrology, toxicology and psychotropics without having to sift through stacks of medical journals. AJT features original articles on the latest therapeutic approaches as well as critical articles on the drug approval process, therapeutic reviews covering pharmacokinetics, regulatory affairs, pediatric clinical pharmacology, hypertension, metabolism, and drug delivery systems. Plus, clinical pharmacology and clinical therapeutics conferences update physicians and physicians-in-training on treating disease.
The aim of the American Journal of Transplantation is the rapid publication of new high quality data in organ and tissue transplantation and the related sciences.
Founded in 1967, The Annals is an independent, peer-reviewed medical journal that advances pharmacotherapy throughout the world by publishing evidence-based articles on practice and research. The Annals provides an independent forum for the discussion and analysis of professional issues in pharmacotherapy.
Anti-Cancer Drugs reports both clinical and experimental results related to anti-cancer drugs, and welcomes contributions on anti-cancer drug design, drug delivery, pharmacology, hormonal and biological modalities and chemotherapy evaluation. An internationally refereed journal devoted to the fast publication of innovative investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer, Anti-Cancer Drugs aims to stimulate and report research on both toxic and non-toxic anti-cancer agents. Consequently, the scope on the journal will cover both conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonal or biological response modalities such as interleukins and immunotherapy.
This is a Subscribe to Open journal. The below estimate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are $0.00 but additional page charges will apply. More information here.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy® features interdisciplinary studies that build our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic applications of antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents and chemotherapy. The journal also publishes studies involving animal models, pharmacological characterization, and clinical trials.
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control is a global forum for reports encompassing all aspects of resistance development and prevention of health-care associated infections in all health-care settings Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control aims to be a global forum for all those working on the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of health-care associated infections and antimicrobial resistance development in all health-care settings. Infection Control wishes to cover a broad spectrum of 'preeminent practices' and 'best available data' to the 'best interventional and translational research' and innovative (technical) developments in the field of infection control.Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control believes that a better understanding of the factors contributing to the development and spread of multi-drug resistance pathogens, possibilities to prevent transmission and infections and insight into the difference between developed countries and countries with limited resources are key-factors to find future solutions. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control needs to combine best practices, experience and latest research results from around the globe to overcome the challenge posed by healthcare-associated infections. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control welcomes all manuscripts related to the filed of HAI prevention and infection control. Some examples are listed below: Prevention of health-care associated infection in hospitals.Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in high-risk settings (e.g. ICUs).HAI prevention and antimicrobial-resistance in special settings e.g. long-term care facilities.Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in community settings.Special problems with Infection control and antimicrobial-resistance in resource-limited countries.
Antiviral Therapy (an official publication of the International Society of Antiviral Research) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing articles on the clinical development and use of antiviral agents and vaccines, and the treatment of all viral diseases. Antiviral Therapy is one of the leading journals in virology and infectious diseases (2009 ISI impact factor: 4.32).The journal is comprehensive, and publishes articles concerning all clinical aspects of antiviral therapy. It features editorials, original research papers, specially commissioned review articles, letters and book reviews. The journal is aimed at physicians and specialists interested in clinical and basic research.