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Journal of Modern Greek Studies

ISSN: 0738-1727

Praised as "a magnificent scholarly journal" by Choice magazine, the Journal of Modern Greek Studies is the only scholarly periodical to focus exclusively on modern Greece. The Journal publishes critical analyses of Greek social, cultural, and political affairs, covering the period from the late Byzantine Empire to the present. Contributors include internationally recognized scholars in the fields of history, literature, anthropology, political science, Byzantine studies, and modern Greece.

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Journal of Modern Italian Studies

ISSN: 1354-571XeISSN: 1469-9583

The Journal of Modern Italian Studies (JMIS) is the leading English language forum for debate and discussion on modern Italy. This peer-reviewed journal publishes five issues a year, each containing scholarly articles, book reviews and review essays relating to the political, economic, cultural, and social history of modern Italy from 1700 to the present. Many issues are thematically organized and the JMIS is especially committed to promoting the study of modern and contemporary Italy in international and comparative contexts. As well as specialists and researchers, the JMIS addresses teachers, educators and all those with an interest in contemporary Italy andits history.For these reasons, the JMIS seeks to:make the newest scholarship on Italy available to an international publicset the Italian experience in its comparative and international contextsprovide extensive critical guidance to new studies on Italian history, politics, culture, and society The Journal of Modern Italian Studies is published in English, and contains Italian as well as English abstracts. There is a particularly extensive book review section, providing critical reviews of recent publications in the field, with more than twenty new titles reviewed in each issue.JMIScovers the period from 1700 to the presentmakes the best scholarship on Italy available to an international readership working in a variety of disciplinespublishes in English the work of Italian and non-Italian specialistsfeatures the work of historians, political scientists and theorists, anthropologists, sociologists, economists, and cultural historians, as well as specialists in fields such as literature, cultural studies, fine arts and cinemaorganizes debates amongst leading experts on major themes in modern Italian history, culture, economics, and societyprovides comprehensive critical reviews in English of all new publications on these topics in Italian, English, and other languages, as well as longer review essays on selected themes in each issueexplores new developments in the study of Italian history and society, including the cinema, women, the family, gender, education and schooling, public health, nationalism, the Second World War, national identity, and most recently the immigrant experience in Italy Peer Review Policy:All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:Taylor & Francis and The Editors makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and The Editors here and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and The Editors.

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Journal of Modern Jewish Studies

ISSN: 1472-5886eISSN: 1472-5894

The Journal of Modern Jewish Studies is international and interdisciplinary, covering history, social studies, religion, thought, literature and the arts. It encourages work from younger scholars at the start of their academic careers, as well as welcoming contributions from established and senior scholars. Each issue of the journal comprises research papers and reviews and review essays of scholarship in Jewish Studies. From time to time, an edition of the journal will focus on a particular topic. Each paper submitted to the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies is peer-reviewed. Individual articles have covered a wide range of topics including early eighteenth-century Jewish-Christian polemics, Jewish-Christian neighbourly relations in 19th-century Russia, a Philo-Judaean Society in 19th-century Britain, Mark Rothko and the Holocaust, The 8220;New Age8221; of Kabbalah in the United States, Israeli secularism, Spanish Jewish literature, and an ongoing series on Moroccan Jewry.Special issues and special sections have focused on Holocaust Post-Memory, Nation and Transnationalism, Jewish Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, German-Jewish Material Culture. Forthcoming special issues will deal with Post-Soviet Jewish Studies, American Jewish Liberalism and Jews in Islamic Lands. The Journal of Modern Jewish Studies has established an annual essay prize for scholars in the early stages of their careers.Endorsements8220;What distinguishes the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies from other Jewish studies journals is that it is quite broad in scope and that it boldly tackles controversial themes andissues. Anyone interested in the most up-to-date debates in the field will not be able to ignore this young Jewish Studies journal.8221;Professor Y. Michal Bodemann, University of Toronto8220;As a new editor of a journal, I can now see just how much effort, talent, and ingenuity Glenda Abramson puts into the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, and can't help but admire the results. It has rapidly become a vital part of the field.8221;Jeremy Dauber, Columbia University, co-editor, Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literature8220;The Journal of Modern Jewish Studies has distinguished itself as a high-quality and academically rigorous meeting ground for interdisciplinary, innovative and contemporary research on different aspects and dimensions of the modern Jewish experience.8221; Maoz Azaryahu, University of Haifa8220;The Journal of Modern Jewish Studies contains articles on unique and interesting facets of Jewish and Israeli life not found in other publications. At the same time, it maintains high standards through the employment of innovative and up-to-date comparative and interdisciplinary methodology. It contributes not only to the study of Judaism and Israeli society, but also to the theoretical understanding of collective memory, political cultural, citizen/state relations, social communication and other topics which head the contemporary agenda of the social sciences and humanities. On this account, I recommend this journal not only as a forum for the understanding of Judaism and Israel, but also as an original intellectual arena for political scientists, sociologists and students and researchers of culture. Here they will find interesting theoretical ideas on Israeli society and Jewish life.8221; Udi Lebel Ben Gurion Research Institute at Sde Boker, Ben-Gurion University of the NegevPeer Review Policy:All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography

ISSN: 1947-9956eISSN: 2210-2388
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Journal of Modern Turkish History

ISSN: 1305-1458eISSN: 2147-1592

Journal of Muslims in Europe

ISSN: 2211-792XeISSN: 2211-7954

The Journal of Muslims in Europe is devoted to publishing articles dealing with contemporary issues on Islam and Muslims in Europe from all disciplines and across the whole region, as well as historical studies of relevance to the present. The focus is on articles offering cross-country comparisons or with significant theoretical or methodological relevance to the field. Case studies with innovative approaches or on under-explored issues, and studies of policy and policy development in the various European institutions, including the European courts, and transnational movements and social and cultural processes are also welcome. The journal also welcomes book reviews.

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Journal of Namibian Studies

ISSN: 1863-5954eISSN: 2197-5523

Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics

eISSN: 2570-5857
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Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies

ISSN: 2050-4039
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Journal of Persianate Studies

ISSN: 1874-7094eISSN: 1874-7167

The Journal of Persianate Studies is a publication of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies. The journal publishes articles on the culture and civilization of the geographical area where Persian has historically been the dominant language or a major cultural force, encompassing Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, as well as the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and parts of the former Ottoman Empire. Its focus on the linguistic, cultural and historical role and influence of Persian culture and Iranian civilization in this area is based on a recognition that knowledge flows from pre-existing facts but is also constructed and thus helps shape the present reality of the Persianate world. Such knowledge can mitigate the leveling effects of globalization as well as counteract the distortions of the area’s common historical memory and civilizational continuity by the divisive forces of modern nationalism and imperialism. .

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Journal of Philosophy of Education

ISSN: 0309-8249eISSN: 1467-9752

Journal of Philosophy of Education publishes articles representing a wide variety of philosophical traditions. They vary from examination of fundamental philosophical issues in their connection with education, to detailed critical engagement with current educational practice or policy from a philosophical point of view. The journal aims to promote rigorous thinking on educational matters and to identify and criticise the ideological forces shaping education. Ethical, political, aesthetic and epistemological dimensions of educational theory are amongst those covered.

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Journal of Policy History

ISSN: 0898-0306eISSN: 1528-4190
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Journal of Presbyterian History

ISSN: 1521-9216

Journal of Religion in Africa

ISSN: 0022-4200eISSN: 1570-0666
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Journal of Religious History

ISSN: 0022-4227eISSN: 1467-9809

The Journal of Religious History is an international, fully refereed journal which publishes articles and reviews current work in the history of religions and their relationship with all aspects of human experience. With high quality international contributors, the journal explores religion and its related subjects, along with debates on comparative method and theory in religious history.

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Journal of Religious and Cultural Studies

ISSN: 0044-3441eISSN: 1570-0739

ZRGG is abstracted/ indexed in: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Bibliography of the History of Art, Current Contents, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, European Reference Index for the Humanities, Fanatic Reader, Historical Abstracts (Part A & B), History & Life, H-Soz-u-Kult, Index Islamicus, International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scolarly Literature, International Philosophy Bibliography, Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur aus allen Gebieten des Wissens/International Bibliography of Periodicals from all Fields of Knowledge, M L A International Bibliography of Books & Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures, New Testament Abstracts, Periodicals Contents Index, Philosophers Index, Religion Index One: Periodicals, Religion Index Two: Multi Author Works, Religious & Theological Abstracts, Research Alert (Philadelphia), Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Social Sciences Citation Index.

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Journal of Roman Studies

ISSN: 0075-4358eISSN: 1753-528X
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Journal of Scottish Historical Studies

ISSN: 1748-538XeISSN: 1755-1749
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Journal of Semitic Studies

ISSN: 0022-4480eISSN: 1477-8556

The Journal of Semitic Studies was established in 1955 and since then has built up a reputation as one of the leading international academic journals in its field. Semitic Studies has always been understood by the editors to include the modern as well as the ancient Near (Middle) East, with special emphasis on research into the languages and literatures of the area. The editors continue to maintain the policy of ensuring that each volume contains items of interest to Orientalists and Biblical Scholars. Extensive reviews of selected books, as well as general review notices, remain a feature of the Journal.

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Journal of Silk

ISSN: 1001-7003