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Etudes Rurales

ISSN: 0014-2182

Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval

ISSN: 0169-815X
Publisher: BRILL

Eurasian Studies Library

ISSN: 1877-9484

Europe-Asia Studies

ISSN: 0966-8136eISSN: 1465-3427

Europe-Asia Studies is the principal academic journal in the world focusing on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries of the former 'communist bloc' of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. At the same time, the journal explores the economic, political and social transformation of these countries and the changing character of their relationships with the rest of Europe and Asia. From its first publication in 1949, until January 1993, the title of Europe-Asia Studies was Soviet Studies. The Editors' decision to change the title to Europe-Asia Studies followed the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. It reflected the belief that countries of the former 'Soviet bloc' would gradually become more closely linked with both Europe and Asia, while continuing to present distinctive topics for research as a consequence of their specific experience. In 2007 the Editors took a further decision to extend the journal's scope to include China and other Asian countries that are or were under communist rule. Europe-Asia Studies is published by Routledge on behalf of the Department of Central and East European Studies, a centre for teaching and research at the University of Glasgow. Peer Review Statement All submitted articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two referees. Disclaimer The University of Glasgow and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content';) contained in its publications. However, the University of Glasgow and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the University of Glasgow or Taylor & Francis.

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European Expansion and Indigenous Response

ISSN: 1873-8974
Publisher: BRILL

European History Quarterly

ISSN: 0265-6914eISSN: 1461-7110

European History Quarterly (EHQ) is a quarterly peer reviewed journal which has earned an international reputation as an essential resource on European history, publishing articles by eminent historians on a range of subjects from the later Middle Ages to post-1945.

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European Journal of American Culture

ISSN: 1466-0407eISSN: 1758-9118
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European Journal of East Asian Studies

ISSN: 1568-0584eISSN: 1570-0615

European Journal of East Asian Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to East Asia, one of the most varied, complex, and rapidly changing parts of the world. Published in Europe by European specialists, the journal is open to new ideas and findings from wherever they may come. We welcome the submission of manuscripts in social sciences such as political science, economics, sociology and cultural studies (including but not limited to business studies, development studies, international relations, political economy,...). Articles can address the wider East Asian region (China, Japan, Korean Peninsular, Japan, Mongolia), including Southeast Asia (ASEAN countries but not Oceania/South Pacific). They may also study inter-regional relations involving the Asian region (such as Asia-Europe relations for instance), or sub-regions (such as Southeast Asia for example) and individual East Asian countries. The journal covers both 20th and 21st centuries with a clear contemporary focus.

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European Journal of Jewish Studies

ISSN: 1025-9996eISSN: 1872-471X
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European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe

ISSN: 0014-3006eISSN: 1752-2323
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European Review of Economic History

ISSN: 1361-4916eISSN: 1474-0044

The European Review of Economic History is a major outlet for research in economic history. Articles cover the whole range of economic history -- papers on European, non-European, comparative and world economic history are all welcome. Contributions shed new light on existing debates, raise new or previously neglected topics, and provide fresh perspectives from comparative research. The Review includes full-length articles, shorter articles, notes and comments, debates, survey articles, and review articles. It also publishes notes and announcements from the European Historical Economics Society.

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European Review of History

ISSN: 1350-7486eISSN: 1469-8293

The European Review of History - Revue Européenne d’Histoire is an international journal covering European history of all centuries and subdisciplines. It aims to create a forum for ideas from across Europe, to encourage the most innovatory research, to make diverse historiographies better known and to practically assist exchanges between young historians.The journal publishes either thematic issues devoted to the key historiographical debates of today or regular issues which are divided into three parts, each with its own distinct features:*Part I contains articles based on original research, which also consider questions of wider interest, whether of theory, historiography, methodology or comparison.*Part II consists of reviews and review articles, intended to spread knowledge of the latest work across Europe and thus to open up national historiographies.*Part III aims to help researchers practically, by providing information about grants, archives, university networks, centres of research, conferences and similar matters.Thematic issues are guest edited but submitted to the same anonymous external refereeing process as regular issues.Peer Review Policy:All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies

ISSN: 0924-0608eISSN: 1879-4750

Explorations in Economic History

ISSN: 0014-4983eISSN: 1090-2457

Explorations in Economic History provides broad coverage of the application of economic analysis to historical episodes. The journal has a tradition of innovative applications of theory and quantitative techniques, and it explores all aspects of economic change, all historical periods, all geographical locations, and all political and social systems. The journal includes papers by economists, economic historians, demographers, geographers, and sociologists.Explorations in Economic History is the only journal where you will find "Essays in Exploration." This unique department alerts economic historians to the potential in a new area of research, surveying the recent literature and then identifying the most promising issues to pursue.Research areas include:• Agriculture• Economic demography• Government regulation• Human resource development• International trade• Manufacturing• Money and finance• Political economies• Technical change• Transportation

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ISSN: 0235-4349eISSN: 0235-4349

Family & Community History

ISSN: 1463-1180eISSN: 1751-3812
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ISSN: 2211-6249

This is a full Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content, in exchange for an article processing fee. For more information, see our Open Access Policy page.

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Film and History

ISSN: 0360-3695eISSN: 1548-9922

Filosofia politica

ISSN: 0394-7297eISSN: 2612-2189
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Financial History Review

ISSN: 0968-5650eISSN: 1474-0052
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