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Casopis za suvremenu povijest

ISSN: 0590-9597eISSN: 1848-9079
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Catalan Historical Review

ISSN: 2013-407XeISSN: 2013-4088
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Catalan Review

ISSN: 0213-5949eISSN: 2053-339X
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Central Asiatic Journal

ISSN: 0008-9192

Central Europe

ISSN: 1479-0963eISSN: 1745-8218

Central Europe publishes original research articles on the history, languages, literature, political culture, music, arts and society of those lands once part of the Habsburg Monarchy and Poland-Lithuania from the Middle Ages to the present. It also publishes discussion papers, marginalia, book, archive, exhibition, music and film reviews. Central Europe has been established as a refereed journal to foster the worldwide study of the area and to provide a forum for the academic discussion of Central European life and institutions. From time to time an issue will be devoted to a particular theme, based on a selection of papers presented at an international conference or seminar series.

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Central European History

ISSN: 0008-9389eISSN: 1569-1616
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Cercles: revista d''Història Cultural

ISSN: 1139-0158eISSN: 1699-7468
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Cesky Casopis Historicky

ISSN: 0862-6111eISSN: 2570-9208

Change Over Time

ISSN: 2153-053XeISSN: 2153-0548
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Chateau Gaillard

ISSN: 0577-5752

Chinese Overseas

ISSN: 1876-3847
Publisher: BRILL

Chinese Studies in History

ISSN: 0009-4633eISSN: 1558-0407

Founded in 1958, M.E.Sharpe is a privately held publisher of books and journals in the social sciences and humanities, including titles in economics, political science, business, management, public administration, literature, and history. We also publish both original works and translations in Asian and East European studies. Many of our most widely adopted textbooks are now available in cost-saving digital editions through the Sharpe E-Textbook Center, a service that offers many important benefits to students and instructors.Several Nobel Prize winners, including Kenzaburo Oe and Wassily Leontief are among our authors. Our East Gate Books imprint is widely recognized as representing the best in Asian Studies. In addition, we publish single and multi-volume reference works designed to meet the needs of students and researchers from high school through college under the Sharpe Reference imprint. The full, updated content of many of these references is also available electronically through Sharpe//Online Reference, an exciting concept in digital reference ownership that gives libraries numerous features not available with print editions.M.E.Sharpe’s highly regarded periodicals include journals in sociology, political economy, management studies, and mental health, along with numerous monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly translation journals in our Asian and East European series. Among the list are the cutting-edge International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Journal of Management Information Systems as well as the widely respected Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Problems of Post-Communism, and Journal of Advertising. .

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Chronique d'Egypte

ISSN: 0009-6067

Church History

ISSN: 0009-6407eISSN: 1755-2613
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Church History and Religious Culture

ISSN: 1871-241XeISSN: 1871-2428

Church History and Religious Culture (formerly: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History) is a long-established, peer-reviewed periodical, primarily devoted to the history of Christianity. It contains articles in this field as well as in other specialised related areas.

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ISSN: 0009-7497
Publisher: Abdij Nazareth


ISSN: 0009-7527

Civil War History

ISSN: 0009-8078eISSN: 1533-6271

Civil Wars

ISSN: 1369-8249eISSN: 1743-968X

Civil Wars publishes original scholarship on all aspects of intrastate conflict, including its causes and nature, and the factors which help to explain its onset, duration, intensity, termination and recurrence. It also publishes work which explores the epistemology of scholarship on intrastate conflict and contributes to debates about the politics, sociology and economics of civil wars, and the significance of intrastate conflict for international relations.The journal has a broad intellectual remit designed to be multidisciplinary and open to a range of different academic methodologies and interests. It welcomes work on specific armed conflicts and micro-analysis, on broad patterns of civil wars, and on historical perspectives as well as contemporary challenges. It also seeks to explore the policy implications of conflict analysis, especially as it relates to international security, conflict prevention and resolution, intervention and peacebuilding.Civil Wars will be required reading for students and scholars of armed conflict and international relations, and, given its policy relevance, will be of interest to those in government, international organisations and the military.Peer ReviewAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Classical Review

ISSN: 0009-840XeISSN: 1464-3561
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