International in scope and audience, the Journal of Insect Conservation publishes articles on the conservation of insects and related invertebrates. The papers presented touch on all aspects of conservation and biodiversity of insects and closely related groups such as Arachnids and Myriapods, including ecological work with conservation implications. Articles focus on both theoretical and practical topics, addressing the subject at the community, population and species level. Coverage includes aspects of behaviour, taxonomy and genetics, and ranges from local to global. Review articles are included, as well as points of view which are likely to stimulate debate. The journal is produced in association with Butterfly Conservation, a wildlife charity dedicated to the conservation of lepidoptera and their habitats which was closely involved in developing its concept. Further information on Butterfly Conservation and its work is available at
All aspects of insect physiology are published in this journal which will also accept papers on the physiology of other arthropods, if the referees consider the work to be of general interest. The coverage includes endocrinology (in relation to moulting, reproduction and metabolism), pheromones, neurobiology (cellular, integrative and developmental), physiological pharmacology, nutrition (food selection, digestion and absorption), homeostasis, excretion, reproduction and behaviour. Papers covering functional genomics and molecular approaches to physiological problems will also be included. Communications on structure and applied entomology can be published if the subject matter has an explicit bearing on the physiology of arthropods. Review articles and novel method papers are also welcomed.This journal is available at a special rate to members of the Entomological Society of America to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Insect Science publishes papers in all aspects of the biology of insects and other arthropods from the molecular to the ecological. The Journal is published on the World Wide Web by the University of Wisconsin Libraries. Our guiding principle is that academic institutions should be involved in publishing scholarly work with as few impediments as possible to free access to information.The Journal of Insect Science is supported by the University of Wisconsin Libraries and is freely available to individuals and institutions. It provides an alternative to excessively priced commercial publications in insect biology. It is the vehicle of choice for the publication of high-quality, rigorously refereed reports on the biology of insects and other arthropods.The Journal of Insect Science has an international scope with a broad constituency of scientists interested in the biology of insects and their agricultural and medical impact. The Journal has Associate Editors that guide manuscripts through review, an Advisory Board and an Editorial Board. The Journal of Insect Science uses the Creative Commons Attribution License for copyright.
Journal of Medical Entomology is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The journal publishes reports on all phases of medical entomology and medical acarology, including the systematics and biology of insects,
The Journal of Orthoptera Research (JOR) is the open access, peer-reviewed journal of the Orthopterists’ Society. JOR publishes work on the insect order Orthoptera and its allies, Blattodea, Mantodea, Phasmatodea, Grylloblattodea, Mantophasmatodea and Dermaptera. Its goal is the dissemination of ideas and insights arising from the study of these insects. Papers published cover a range of biological studies of these insects including their diversity, conservation, and the control and management of pest species. Acceptable studies fall within the disciplines of cytology, biological control, morphology, physiology, parasitology, endocrinology, behavior, ecology, systematics, biogeography and taxonomy. The journal encourages comprehensive and synthetic papers and those utilizing modern techniques. Case studies of interesting phenomena are also appropriate, as long as they are contextualized in terms of their significance to orthopterology and entomology in general. Alongside original research, JOR also publishes review articles, short communications, and articles focusing on policy and management of Orthoptera. Two issues are printed annually, and members of the Orthopterists’ Society publish free (excluding color signature fees for images to be printed in color).
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The Journal of Stored Products Research provides an international medium for the publication of both reviews and original results from laboratory and field studies on the preservation and safety of stored products, notably food stocks, covering storage-related problems from the producer through the supply chain to the consumer. Stored products are characterised by having relatively low moisture content and include raw and semi-processed foods, animal feedstuffs, and a range of other durable items, including materials such as clothing or museum artefacts.Manuscripts are welcomed on:• the biology, ecology, physiology, behaviour, taxonomy or genetics of pests and spoilage agents• environmental factors influencing insect life cycles• the physical, chemical or biological control of pests and spoilage agents but excluding routine laboratory screening of candidate plant materials• biochemical or behavioural resistance to control measures• storage biotechnology, pest management and decision support systems• the effects of physical and environmental control procedures on the physical and chemical nature of the stored products• the assessment, prevention and control of losses• regulatory, technological and socio-economic subjects relevant to stored products• improvements in the design and structure of the storage environmentThe Journal of Stored Products Research reflects the worldwide interest in the scientific problems of infestation in stored food and their relevance to food stock security, market access and trade, and the increasing problem of world food distribution.Contact details for submission:Based on your topic, your manuscript will be handled by one of the Editors-in-Chief:Greg Daglish:Chemical control and contaminantFrank Arthur:Biology and EcologyChris Bell:Biological and Physical Control
This is a Subscribe to Open journal. The below estimate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are $0.00 but additional page charges will apply. More information here.
Journal of Virology® publishes primary-research, mini-reviews, and other article formats that interrogate fundamental processes and structure in viruses, the mechanisms by which they interact and evolve with their host and environment, and novel methodologies, therapeutic and diagnostic strategies.
Entomologia Generalis is an international journal of general and applied entomology.It publishes papers on experimental, comparative and descriptive problems and studies in all fields of research on insects and other terrestrial arthropods. It aims to continually supply new information on the results of recent and current studies and promising theories in this field of science, relating simultaneously to various fields or closely connecting them.Entomologia Generalis emphasizes the publication of original research papers (6–20 printed pages). Furthermore, reviews of entomological problems (6–20 printed pages) are invited, as are summaries of high standard research results. Furthermore, short communications are published about new findings, concepts, observations etc, as well as exchanges of views and methods (4–10 printed pages). Finally, preview abstracts are presented of work which is being completed, but not yet ready for publication in a more extensive form (Synopses of 1–6 printed pages). .
Medical and Veterinary Entomology is the leading periodical in its field. The Journal covers the biology and control of insects, ticks, mites and other arthropods of medical and veterinary importance. The main strengths of the Journal lie in the fields of: • epidemiology and transmission of vector-borne pathogens .
The Entomological Society of New Zealand was formed in 1951 to provide a common meeting ground for everyone interested in entomology in New Zealand.