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Political Research Quarterly

ISSN: 1065-9129eISSN: 1938-274X

Political Research Quarterly (PRQ), a peer-reviewed quarterly, publishes original research in all areas of political science. One of the top ranked journals in the field, PRQ publishes scholarly research of exceptionally high merit that covers the entire range of topics and subjects in political science. Goals include promoting diversity in the field and providing a meaningful arena for discussions about leading research and scholarship.

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Political Theory

ISSN: 0090-5917eISSN: 1552-7476

Political Theory (PT), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, serves as the leading forum for the development and exchange of political ideas. Broad in scope and international in coverage, PT publishes articles on political philosophy from every philosophical, ideological and methodological perspective. Articles address historical political thought, modern political theory, normative and analytical philosophy, the history of ideas and critical assessments of current work.

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Politics and Society

ISSN: 0032-3292eISSN: 1552-7514

Politics & Society (PAS), a peer-reviewed quarterly, publishes well-researched articles that raise questions about the way the world is organized politically, economically, and socially. Established in the late 1960s as an alternative, critical voice of the social sciences, PAS regularly debates the theory of the state, class analysis, politics of gender, methodological individualism and rational choice, and the future of capitalism and socialism.

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Politics, Philosophy & Economics

ISSN: 1470-594XeISSN: 1741-3060

Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) aims to bring moral, economic and political theory to bear on the analysis, justification and criticism of political and economic institutions and public policies. The Editors are committed to publishing peer-reviewed papers of high quality using various methodologies from a wide variety of normative perspectives.

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Polymers and Polymer Composites

ISSN: 0967-3911eISSN: 1478-2391
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Polymers from Renewable Resources

ISSN: 2041-2479eISSN: 2045-1377
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Possibility Studies

ISSN: 2753-8699
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Post Reproductive Health

ISSN: 2053-3691eISSN: 2053-3705
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Power and Education

eISSN: 1757-7438
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Primary Prevention Insights

eISSN: 1179-1748
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Prison Journal

ISSN: 0032-8855eISSN: 1552-7522

The Prison Journal (TPJ), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is a central forum for studies, ideas, and discussions of adult and juvenile confinement, treatment interventions, and alternative sanctions. Exploring broad themes of punishment and correctional intervention, TPJ advances theory, research, policy and practice. Also provides descriptive and evaluative accounts of innovative programs and policies, state-of-the-art surveys and reviews, and legal and historical analysis.

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Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology

ISSN: 1063-8512eISSN: 2631-8334
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Probation Journal

ISSN: 0264-5505eISSN: 1741-3079

Probation Journal was established in 1929 and now provides a national and international forum for sharing good practice, disseminating criminal justice research and developing debate about the theory and practice of work with offenders. The Journal is read in 25 countries, and has gained a reputation for publishing material which is both of a high quality and accessible to a wide readership. Probation Journal is not limited to probation issues and welcomes submissions from those interested in the wider community justice arena.

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Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare

ISSN: 2010-1058eISSN: 2059-2329
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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy

ISSN: 0957-6509eISSN: 2041-2967

Significant changes are occurring in the field of power and energy, from the new types of plant being introduced in the developed world to the growth in electricity demand in the developing nations. Environmental legislation is affecting the use of fossil fuels and encouraging renewable energy developments. Safety, waste disposal and new plant financing continue to be concerns for nuclear power, while the increased availability of natural gas is being exploited in combined cycles and cogeneration. Against this changing scene, scientific discovery, increased computer power and new material developments are producing cost savings and plant performance improvements.The Journal of Power and Energy covers all aspects of energy conversion systems, including power generation, transmission and use. In addition to technical developments, interests include environmental, economic and policy issues. The scope extends to include:Power and Energy Systems Power generation using innovative and conventional sources including fossil, nuclear, and renewable systems. Energy storage, regenerative and fuel cell systems. Advanced and innovative cycles. Energy systems including energy management in buildings, air conditioning, refrigeration, heat pipes.Issues Emissions reduction, environmental policy, carbon mitigation including both efficiency improvements and CO2 capture and storage, fuel flexibility, hydrogen economy, waste management, power plant health and safety. Decommissioning, disposal and storage of nuclear plant and material. Changes in infrastructure, transmission and distribution. Demand reduction -advanced control, hybrid photovoltaic and ventilation.Components Typically boilers, gas, steam and wind turbines, compressor, combustion and turbine systems, I.C. engines (non-automotive), heat exchangers and cooling systems, heat recovery steam generators, pumps and fans.Techniques and methods The journal covers thermo-economic optimisation, health monitoring, life cycle analysis, operation and maintenance, and energy systems instrumentation, simulation and management. We also publish papers on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, including CFD, heat transfer and combustion if they are clearly related to power systems or their components.

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

ISSN: 0954-4054eISSN: 2041-2975

The Journal of Engineering Manufacture provides a focus for developments in engineering manufacture, covering technological and scientific research, developments and management implementation in manufacturing.'My priority as Editor is to ensure that the Journal of Engineering Manufacture remains at the forefront of international efforts to disseminate scientific advances and new knowledge arising from high quality manufacturing engineering research.We welcome papers in any aspect of engineering manufacture from manufacturing and assembly processes, to production machines and manufacturing systems. From time to time we also publish special issues on particular topics, either new emerging technologies or very sharply focused aspects of current manufacturing research.'.

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

ISSN: 0954-4062eISSN: 2041-2983

The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science advances the understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of challenges and problems in engineering.'The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science is dedicated to the publication of high quality papers on all aspects of mechanical engineering science. It represents one of the oldest parts of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the first issue being published under the guidance of a distinguished Editorial Board in June 1959.The international Editorial Board ensures that significant developments in mechanical engineering science from around the world are reflected in the Journal.'.

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 0954-4089eISSN: 2041-3009

The Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering publishes high-quality papers covering a broad area of mechanical engineering activities associated with the design and operation of process equipment."The process industries are fundamental to providing society with its basic needs in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Be it refined oil products, foods, personal products, or powders - all are produced in vast quantities using specialised equipment. It is this equipment, its design, operation, and maintenance, that sits with the scope of the Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Part E of the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.We welcome papers from any source covering a broad area of mechanical engineering activities associated with the design and operation of process equipment, and I can confirm that at all stages in the consideration of your paper we will endeavour to act as speedily as possible whilst maintaining academic rigour.".

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit

ISSN: 0954-4097eISSN: 2041-3017

The Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit is devoted to engineering in its widest interpretation applicable to rail and rapid transit. At a time of considerable change in the industry, it provides a continuing means of sharing technical knowledge, ideas and developments.

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering

ISSN: 0954-4100eISSN: 2041-3025

The Journal of Aerospace Engineering is dedicated to the publication of high quality research in all branches of applied sciences and technology dealing with aircraft and spacecraft, and their support systems. "Our authorship is truly international and all efforts are made to ensure that each paper is presented in the best possible way and reaches a wide audience."The Editorial Board is composed of recognized experts representing the technical communities of fifteen countries. The Board Members work in close cooperation with the editors, reviewers, and authors to achieve a consistent standard of well written and presented papers."Professor Rodrigo Martinez-Val, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain .

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