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Organization Theory

eISSN: 2631-7877
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Organization and Environment

ISSN: 1086-0266eISSN: 1552-7417

Organization & Environment (OAE), recognized as a leading international journal of ecosocial research unique in its emphasis on organizations, institutions, and nature, publishes quarterly peer-reviewed research that sets new standards for interdisciplinary thinking about our complex, hazardous, and increasingly unpredictable biosphere and its social dimensions. This research provides a crucial resource for the development of more effective policy formulation and decision making.

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Organizational Psychology Review

ISSN: 2041-3866eISSN: 2041-3874

Organizational Psychology Review is a new quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published in partnership with the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Organizational Psychology Review's unique aim is to publish original conceptual work and meta-analyses in the field of organizational psychology (broadly defined to include applied, industrial, occupational, personnel, and work psychology as well as organizational behaviour).

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Organizational Research Methods

ISSN: 1094-4281eISSN: 1552-7425

Organizational Research Methods (ORM), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, brings relevant methodological developments to a wide range of researchers in organizational and management studies and promotes a more effective understanding of current and new methodologies and their application in organizational settings. ORM has positioned itself among elite scholarly journals, known for high-quality manuscripts from the qualitative and quantitative domains, micro and macro perspectives.

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Oriental Anthropologist

ISSN: 0972-558XeISSN: 0976-3430
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Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

eISSN: 2325-9671

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Outlook On Agriculture

ISSN: 0030-7270eISSN: 2043-6866

Articles should be in the region of 4.000 words. Research notes and shorter pieces will also be considered for publication. In addition. papers derived from work done under the EU Research Framework Programme will be readily considered. Submissions should be double-spaced. They can be sent either by e-mail to the Editor or by post c/o of the publisher (contact details above). Electronic versions must be in Word. The text should be ordered under appropriate sub-headings (not numbered paragraphs or sections) and where possible these should not be more than 800 words apart. Three levels of sub-heading are possible. The title page should show the names and addresses of the authors. their professional status and affiliation and the address (including e-mail) to which correspondence should be sent. As this page will not be sent to referees. the title of the article (without author names) should be repeated on the first text page. An abstract should be provided. comprising 80-100 words. Between 3 and 6 keywords should appear below the abstract. highlighting the main topics of the paper. References should follow the Harvard system. That is. they should be shown within the text as the author39;s surname (or authors39; surnames) followed by a comma and the year of publication. all in round brackets: for example. (Smith. 1998). At the end of the article a bibliographical list should be supplied. organized alphabetically by author (surnames followed by initials - all authors should be named). Bibliographic information should be given in the order indicated by the following examples: Articles:Wheeler. T.. and Kay. M. (2010). ‘Food crop production. water and climate change in the developing world’.Outlook on Agriculture. Vol 39. No 4. pp 239–243. Books:Lovelock. J. (2009).The Vanishing Face of Gaia: a Final Warning.Allen Lane. London. Notes should be numbered consecutively in the text and typed in plain text at the end of the paper (not as footnotes on text pages). Tables should be reduced to the simplest form and present only essential data. They should be submitted on separate sheets at the end of the article. The use of vertical rules in tables should be avoided. For illustrations. line drawings and photographs are acceptable. Authors are asked to supply originals of line drawings for reproduction. Photographs should be glossy prints with good contrast. Authors should bear in mind that colour illustrations will be reproduced in black and white in the print version of the journal. Prior Publication Articles are received on the understanding that they are original contributions. and have not been published officially. either in print or electronic form. or submitted for publication elsewhere. In this respect. ‘discussion’ or ‘working’ papers. conference presentations and proceedings are not considered to be official publications. unless they have been formally deemed so by conference organizers. or presented as edited works through recognized publishing channels. If in doubt. authors are asked to draw the attention of the Editor to any prior dissemination of the paper in their letter of submission. Please note that articles should not be posted on personal Websites or social networking sites before or after submission. Refereeing Other than research notes. reports. and personal opinion pieces. articles will be refereed. Papers by authors who are not academics (eg submissions from industry) will also be subject to review before acceptance. but their distinct nature and aims will be fully taken into account. Copyright Authors will be asked to assign copyright. where possible. to IP Publishing Ltd. Relevant authors’ rights are protected.

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eISSN: 2373-9975
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ISSN: 1030-570XeISSN: 1839-2598
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Pain News

ISSN: 2050-4497eISSN: 2050-4500
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Palliative Care and Social Practice

ISSN: 2632-3524eISSN: 2632-3524
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Palliative Care: Research and Treatment

eISSN: 1178-2242
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Palliative Medicine

ISSN: 0269-2163eISSN: 1477-030X

Palliative Medicine is a highly ranked, peer reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to improving knowledge and clinical practice in the palliative care of patients with far advanced disease. It reflects the multidisciplinary approach that is the hallmark of effective palliative care.This outstanding journal features:EditorialsOriginal papersReview articlesCase reportsCorrespondenceJournal abstractsBook reviewsTeaching package reviewsEssential reading for all members of the palliative care team:DoctorsNursesPhysiotherapistsPsychologistsSocial workersThe clergyOccupational therapistsA practical journal to assist you with the palliative care of patients.

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ISSN: 0971-8907
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eISSN: 2753-6386
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Party Politics

ISSN: 1354-0688eISSN: 1460-3683

Party Politics is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the study of this integral component within political science. This major international journal provides a forum for the analysis of political parties, including their historical development, structure, policy programmes, ideology, electoral and campaign strategies, and their role within the various national and international political systems of which they are a part.

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Pedagogy in Health Promotion

ISSN: 2373-3799eISSN: 2373-3802

Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PHP) advances pedagogy through contributions in areas such as curriculum and course/program design, assessment, and administration relevant to teaching and learning. The quarterly journal welcomes works addressing the art and science of teaching and learning, and how it contributes to the formation and ongoing development of the health promotion professional working in any site and population. 

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Pediatric and Developmental Pathology

ISSN: 1093-5266eISSN: 1615-5742

Pediatric and Developmental Pathology is the premier journal dealing with the pathology of disease from conception through adolescence. It covers the spectrum of disorders developing in-utero (including embryology, placentology, and teratology), gestational and perinatal diseases, and all diseases of childhood.

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ISSN: 0301-0066eISSN: 1468-4233

Perceptionis a scholarly journal reporting experimental results and theoretical ideas ranging over the fields of human. animal. and machine perception. Topics covered include physiological mechanisms and clinical neurological disturbances; psychological data on pattern and object perception in animals and man; the role of experience in developing perception; skills. such as driving and flying; effects of culture on perception and aesthetics; errors. illusions. and perceptual phenomena occurring in controlled conditions. with emphasis on their theoretical significance; cognitive experiments and theories relating knowledge to perception; development of categories and generalisations; strategies for interpreting sensory patterns in terms of objects by organisms and machines; special problems associated with perception of pictures and symbols; verbal and nonverbal skills; reading; philosophical implications of experiments and theories of perception for epistemology. aesthetics. and art.

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Perceptual and Motor Skills

ISSN: 0031-5125eISSN: 1558-688X

*Perceptual and Motor Skills: experimental and theoretical articles dealing with perception or motor skills, especially as affected by experience; articles on general methodology; special reviews.*Submitted manuscripts are all subject to rigorous peer review by outside experts chosen for their knowledge in the particular topic and/or general expertise in design, method, and analysis. An attempt is made to balance critical editing with specific suggestions from the peer reviewers to meet high standards.*Controversial material of scientific merit is welcomed.

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