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Progress in Transplantation

ISSN: 1526-9248eISSN: 2164-6708
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Project Management Journal

ISSN: 8756-9728eISSN: 1938-9507

Project Management Journal is the academic and research journal of the Project Management Institute and features state-of-the-art research, techniques, theories, and applications in project management. The Project Management Journal's mission is to address the broad interests of the project management profession and maintain an editorial balance of content about research, technique, theory, and practice. The Project Management Journal encourages submissions from researchers addressing the art and science of project, program and portfolio management situations according to an inter-disciplinary perspective. The journal's international and multi-disciplinary review team ensures continued standards of excellence in terms of quality of content and reputation among the academic community. About Project Management Institute.

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Proteomics Insights

eISSN: 1178-6418
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ISSN: 2171-1976eISSN: 1989-9386

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Psyecology, Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology, publishes multidisciplinary papers in the field of Environmental Psychology in both English and Spanish.

Accepted manuscripts include empirical research and intervention projects that focus on the interaction between people and their environment, and all aspects involved in this relationship: psychological processes, individual and social activity, and cultural mediation. Theoretical reviews will also be considered for publication according to originality and current relevance.

Subjects of interest for Psyecology include environmental representation and cognition, environment assessment and intervention, quality of life and environment, environmental participation and education, ecological behaviour, cognitive maps, place attachment, symbolic space and social identity processes, environmental attitudes and beliefs, space design, institutional and working environments, health and environment, environmental stress, noise, crowding, dangerous environments and fear of crime, risk perception, psychosocial aspects of environmental impact, conservation and management of natural resources, landscape perception, research methods specific of the aforementioned fields, and ultimately, all research focused on the relation between human activity and the environment.

Psyecology will be of interest to researchers from a wide number of disciplines focused on the interaction between people and the environment, such as psychology, education, biology, environmental sciences, architecture, design, sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, history, urban planning, etcetera.


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Psyecology, Revista Bilingüe de Psicología Ambiental, publica trabajos multidisciplinares en el ámbito de la Psicología Ambiental en español e inglés.

Los trabajos publicados incluyen investigaciones empíricas y experiencias de intervención que tengan como objeto principal la interacción entre las personas y su medio, y los aspectos implicados en dicha relación: procesos psicológicos, actividad individual y social, y mediación cultural. Se considerarán asimismo artículos de revisión teórica en función de su originalidad y actualidad.

Los temas de interés para Psyecology incluyen: cognición y representación ambiental, evaluación de entornos e intervención ambiental, calidad de vida y medio ambiente, participación y educación ambiental, conducta ecológica, mapas cognitivos, apego al lugar, espacio simbólico y procesos de identidad social, actitudes y creencias ambientales, diseño de espacios, ambientes institucionales, espacios de trabajo, ambiente y salud, estrés ambiental, ruido, hacinamiento, lugares peligrosos y miedo al delito, percepción de riesgos, aspectos psicosociales del impacto ambiental, conservación y gestión de recursos naturales, percepción del paisaje, métodos y técnicas de investigación específicas de estos campos, y, en general, todos aquellos trabajos de investigación que vinculen la actividad humana con el medio.

Psyecology va dirigida a investigadores con interés en la interacción humana con el medio procedentes de un amplio rango de disciplinas, tales como psicología, educación, biología, ciencias ambientales, arquitectura, diseño, sociología, antropología, ciencias políticas, geografía, historia, planificación urbana, etcétera.

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Psychological Reports

ISSN: 0033-2941eISSN: 1558-691X

Psychological Reports: experimental, theoretical, and speculative articles in the field of general psychology; comments; special reviews. Submitted manuscripts are subject to rigorous peer review by experts chosen for their knowledge in the particular topic and/or general expertise in design, methods, and analysis. An attempt is made to balance critical editing with specific suggestions from reviewers to meet high standards. Controversial material of scientific merit is welcomed. .

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Psychology Learning & Teaching

ISSN: 1475-7257eISSN: 2057-3022
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Psychology and Developing Societies

ISSN: 0971-3336eISSN: 0973-0761
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Psychology of Music

ISSN: 0305-7356eISSN: 1741-3087

Psychology of Music publishes peer reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies.

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Psychology of Women Quarterly

ISSN: 0361-6843eISSN: 1471-6402
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Public Administration Quarterly

ISSN: 0734-9149eISSN: 2327-4433
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Public Finance Review

ISSN: 1091-1421eISSN: 1552-7530

Public Finance Review (PFR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a professional forum devoted to economic research, theory, and policy applications, focusing on a variety of allocation, distribution, and stabilization functions within the public sector economy. Economists, policy makers, political scientists, and researchers rely on PFR for the most up-to-date information and to help them put policies and research into action.

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Public Finance and Management

eISSN: 1523-9721
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Public Health Reports

ISSN: 0033-3549eISSN: 1468-2877

The Student Column publishes scientific manuscripts based on original research or practice-based work conducted by students, fellows, or recent graduates of ASPH member schools. The Student Column is peer reviewed. We strive to maintain a high level of quality for the manuscripts published. Accepted manuscripts may be published in each of the six issues of Public Health Reports printed annually.Submit Your Work: Potential submitters may be current students, at any level; current fellows; or working professionals up to two years post-graduation. All authors must have attended an ASPH member school of public health. Scientific manuscripts should have a strong public health component, add to the literature, sound methodology, actionable results, and clear and succinct writing. Other considerations are whether the submission discusses a topic of broad public health importance and interest, results that can be generalized, and a recent data set appropriate for the study.Become a Reviewer: Reviewers may be current students at an ASPH member school with at least one year experience in a master’s level program, current fellows, or working professionals up to two years post-graduation from an ASPH-member school. Each potential reviewer must submit two letters of recommendation from faculty members, a 1-2 page writing sample, and be available to review abstracts and full articles for at least nine months.

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Public Personnel Management

ISSN: 0091-0260eISSN: 1945-7421

Public Personnel Management (PPM) is published specifically for human resource executives and managers in the public sector. Each quarterly edition contains in-depth articles on trends, case studies and the latest research by top human resource scholars and industry experts.

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Public Policy and Administration

ISSN: 0952-0767eISSN: 1749-4192

Public Policy and Administration is the journal of the UK Joint University Council (JUC) Public Administration Committee (PAC). PPA aims to publish original peer-reviewed material within the broad field of public policy and administration. This includes recent developments in research, scholarship and practice within public policy, public administration, government, public management, administrative theory, administrative history, and administrative politics.

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Public Relations Inquiry

ISSN: 2046-147XeISSN: 2046-1488
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Public Understanding of Science

ISSN: 0963-6625eISSN: 1361-6609

Public Understanding of Science is a fully peer reviewed, quarterly international journal covering all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public. Topics Covered Include: popular representations of science, scientific and para-scientific belief systems, science in schools, history of science, education of popular science, science and the media.

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Public Works Management & Policy

ISSN: 1087-724XeISSN: 1552-7549

Public Works Management & Policy (PWMP), published quarterly, is a peer-reviewed journal for academics and practitioners in public works and the public and private infrastructure industries. Articles convey research results, evaluate management innovations, suggest methods of analysis and evaluation, and examine policy issues. PWMP addresses the planning, financing, development, and operations of civil infrastructure systems at all levels of society-federal, state and local.

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Punishment and Society: The International Journal of Penology

ISSN: 1462-4745eISSN: 1741-3095

Punishment & Society is an international, interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research and scholarship dealing with punishment, penal institutions and penal control. It is a source of informed commentary and criticism regarding the penal policies and practices of our time. Punishment & Society includes theoretical and empirical contributions from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives including criminology and penology; the sociology of punishment and penal institutions; penal history; penal law; sentencing theory and the philosophy of punishment.

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Qualitative Health Research

ISSN: 1049-7323eISSN: 1552-7557

Qualitative Health Research (QHR) is a peer-reviewed monthly journal that provides an international, interdisciplinary forum to enhance health care and further the development and understanding of qualitative research in health-care settings. QHR is an invaluable resource for researchers and academics, administrators and others in the health and social service professions, and graduates who seek examples of qualitative methods.

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