Therapeutic Advances in Endocrine and Metabolism is aimed at clinicians and researchers from the field and will be a forum for all views and reviews relating to this diverse discipline. Topics covered will include:Obesity ;Diabetes Mellitus ;Hypothalamic and Pituitary disorders ;Posterior Pituitary and Electrolyte disorders; Short and Tall Stature including Growth Hormone Deficiency and treatment; Metabolic bone disease; Adrenal disorders; Hyperlipidemia; Endocrine Hypertension. ; Endocrine tumours ; Endocrine Autoimmune states; Thyroid disorders; Thyroid Tumours ; Male and Female Hypogonadism; Reproductive Endocrinology; Paediatric Endocrinology; Geriatric Endocrinology; Endocrine Emergencies.
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology is aimed at clinicians and researchers in gastroenterology and will be a forum for all views and reviews relating to this discipline. Topics covered will include: Helicobacter pylori; peptic ulcer disease; non-ulcer dyspepsia; gastric cancer; gastroesophageal reflux disease; Barrett`s esophagus; esophageal motility disorders; esophageal cancer; inflammatory bowel disease; pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer; gastrointestinal bleeding; NOTES; colorectal cancer screening; celiac disease; diarrheal diseases; chronic HBV and HCV infection; nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; alcoholic liver disease; autoimmune hepatitis; primary biliary cirrhosis; primary sclerosing cholangitis; hepatocellular carcinoma.
The Journal is aimed at researchers and clinicians involved in the medical treatment of cancer and is a forum for publishing original research and reviews in this area. It will cover systemic cancer treatments including chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, biological therapy and immunotherapy, as well as adjuvant systemic therapy. All cancers will be covered including gynaecological cancers, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, urological cancers, head and neck cancers, and skin cancer.
FIRST ISSUE - OCTOBER 2009. The journal is for all professionals concerned with research into and the practice of musculoskeletal disease and is a forum for all views on related subjects. The editors welcome articles of current interest on research into diseases including: arthropathies and other joint disorders; systemic connective tissue disorders; dorsopathies; soft tissue disorders; osteopathies; chondropathies. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease adheres to a blinded peer review process in which the reviewer`s name is routinely withheld from the author unless the reviewer requests a preference for their identity to be revealed.
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders is aimed at clinicians and researchers in neurology and is a forum for presenting the latest research and reviews in this discipline, concentrating on the more-common non-cerebrovascular neurological disorders. Topics covered include: neuroimmunology; movement and neurodegenerative disorders; pain and headache; behavioral cognitive syndromes; infections and neoplasms; demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis; disorders and injuries to the brain and spinal cord; epilepsy/seizure disorders.
NOW ON PUBMED! Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease is an internationally peer reviewed journal whose primary aim is the dissemination and development of knowledge about the pharmacological treatment of respiratory diseases. The journal`s scope includes emerging therapies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma, pulmonary hypertension and the exacerbations caused by infections and smoking.
Therapeutic Advances in Urology is aimed at clinicians and researchers from the field of urology and will be a forum for all views and reviews relating to this discipline. Topics covered covered include: diseases of the adrenal glands; benign prostatic hyperplasia; the anatomy; physiology and pharmacology of the bladder and urethra (including dysfunctional voiding and incontinence); Infections/inflammation of the genitourinary tract; infertility; kidney diseases (including cancer and stone diseases); andrology; sexual dysfunction.
Thesis Eleven (Thesis 11), peer reviewed and published quarterly, is multidisciplinary, reaching across the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, philosophy, geography, cultural studies, literature and politics) and cultivating diverse critical theories of modernity. Reflecting the broad scope of social theory it encourages civilizational analysis on a wide range of alternative modernities and takes critical theory from the margins of the world system to its centre.
Time & Society is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes articles, reviews, and scholarly comment discussing the workings of time and temporality across a range of disciplines, including anthropology, geography, history, psychology, and sociology. Work focuses on methodological and theoretical problems, including the use of time in organizational contexts. You'll also find critiques of and proposals for time-related changes in the formation of public, social, economic, and organizational policies.