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Studies in Christian Ethics

ISSN: 0953-9468eISSN: 1745-5235
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Studies in History

ISSN: 0257-6430eISSN: 0973-080X
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Studies in Indian Politics

ISSN: 2321-0230eISSN: 2321-7472
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Studies in Microeconomics

ISSN: 2321-0222eISSN: 2321-8398
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Studies in People’s History

ISSN: 2348-4489eISSN: 2349-7718
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Studies in Psychology

ISSN: 0210-9395eISSN: 1579-3699

2014 Impact Factor of 0.468
©2014 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citation Reports ®

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Estudios de Psicología publishes articles of empirical research, methodological innovation, and theoretical debate in the frontier of psychological knowledge. Among others, examples of articles in the frontier of psychology are those that allow for a new understanding of a psychological phenomenon, that soundly and originally criticize a mainstream theory, that defy the discipline’s commonly accepted knowledge, that propose original experimental paradigms, different to those widely accepted by the academic community of the normal science… Its main goal is thus to provide a dialogue forum both between psychological sub-disciplines, and between psychology and other related disciplines.

In order to foster approaches that delve deep into psychology's most relevant trends and developments, as of 2014 Estudios de Psicología will only accept manuscripts whose content and approach follows the guidelines indicated in the journal’s current calls for monographic issues, regardless of whether these calls have been issued by the journal Editor or by Invited Editors who have submitted a monographic proposal according to the journal’s Instructions For Authors.

Estudios de Psicología will be of interest to researchers and graduate students working in psychology and related disciplines, and psychologists working in both applied fields and academia.


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Estudios de Psicología publica artículos de investigación empírica, innovación metodológica y debate teórico en la frontera del conocimiento psicológico. Entre otros, se pueden considerar ejemplos de artículos en la frontera de la psicología aquellos que permitan comprender de manera novedosa un fenómeno psicológico, que critiquen alguna teoría de corriente principal de manera fundada y original, que desafíen el conocimiento común de la disciplina, que propongan paradigmas experimentales originales, diferentes de los aceptados por la comunidad de académicos de la ciencia normal... Su objetivo prioritario es por tanto constituirse en un espacio de diálogo, tanto entre diferentes subdisciplinas psicológicas, como entre la psicología y otras formas de conocimiento próximas a ella.

Con el fin de promover el tratamiento en profundidad de las líneas de desarrollo más relevantes de nuestra disciplina, a partir de 2014 Estudios de Psicología solo aceptará artículos cuyo contenido y enfoque siga las pautas marcadas por las convocatorias vigentes de temas monográficos, ya sean planteados por el Editor de la revista o por Editores Invitados que hayan enviado una propuesta, según el esquema que se expone en las Instrucciones Para Autores. Estudios de Psicología va dirigida a investigadores y estudiantes de doctorado en psicología y disciplinas afines, psicólogos de ámbitos tanto académicos como aplicados.

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Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses

ISSN: 0008-4298eISSN: 2042-0587

SR serves scholars who work in a wide range of sub-fields in religious studies and theological studies. It publishes scholarly articles of interest to specialists, but written so as to be intelligible to other scholars who wish to keep informed of current scholarship. SR est une publication scientifique canadienne trimestrielle et bilingue au service des gens æuvrant dans les multiples champs des sciences religieuses et théologiques. Elle publie des articles d`intérêt pour les spécialistes des questions religieuses et théologiques, aussi accessibles à tout autre spécialiste désireux d`être informé des études actuelles.

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Substance Abuse

ISSN: 0889-7077eISSN: 1547-0164

Unlike other journals with more narrow areas of concentration, Substance Abuse offers wide-ranging coverage for medical professionals and addiction specialists in teaching, clinical care, and service delivery. The journal's multidisciplinary editorial board represents the full strength and range of experience and teaching from three leading professional societies.Substance Abuse features original research and review articles on such topics as: The education and training of professionals in substance abuse Clinical care in a variety of settings The organization of treatment services Preclinical and clinical research, including therapeutic interventions and behavior studies Medical complications associated with drug abuse Substance abuse among specific groups or populations Applied science research Policy issues Substance Abuse is a fully peer-reviewed journal that serves as the official publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA), and is also published in conjunction with the International Coalition of Addiction Studies Education (INCASE) and the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM).In addition, Substance Abuse publishes proceedings papers from the annual AMERSA meeting, book reviews, and letters to the editor. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Substance Use &amp Addiction Journal

ISSN: 2976-7342

Substance Use: Research and Treatment

eISSN: 2976-8357
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Surgical Innovation

ISSN: 1553-3506eISSN: 1553-3514

Surgical Innovation focuses on the revolution that minimally invasive surgical techniques, new instruments such as laparoscopes and endoscopes, and new technologies have brought to the art, science, and business of surgery. This innovative publication prepares both new and experienced surgeons to think and work in "the operating room of the future," while helping them to face the challenges of learning new techniques, understanding and adapting to new technologies, maintaining surgical competencies, and applying surgical outcomes data to their practices.Each issue of Surgical Innovation offers unique original articles from the vanguard of clinical practice, noteworthy basic and applied research from the basic sciences, state-of-the-art surgical education, and useful insights into the business of surgical practice. Written by leading international medical and surgical practitioners from specialties such as general surgery, gynecology, urology, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, head and neck surgery, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, orthopedics, and pediatric surgery, the perceptive and incisive articles highlight those practices and technologies that will change your practice today and revolutionize surgery for decades to come.

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Teacher Education and Special Education

ISSN: 0888-4064eISSN: 1944-4931
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Teaching Exceptional Children

ISSN: 0040-0599eISSN: 1553-9318
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Teaching Public Administration

ISSN: 0144-7394eISSN: 2047-8720
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Teaching of Psychology

ISSN: 0098-6283eISSN: 1532-8023
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Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment

ISSN: 1533-0346eISSN: 1533-0338

Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment (TCRT) welcomes manuscripts from active investigators involved in technologies devoted to early diagnosis, treatment, and palliation of cancer. TCRT will include both experimental and theoretical investigations. Among the topics that will be covered are MRI, including functional MRI, spiral CT, PET, optical spectroscopy, computer-aided reconstruction of tumors, computer-aided drug design, stereotactic radiosurgery, cryosurgery, brachytherapy, electroporation, photodynamic therapy, gene therapy, cancer vaccine, proteomics, and genomics, as they impact cancer research and treatment. Special emphasis will be given to non-invasive techniques. TCRT publishes original articles, express communications, opinion pieces, and timely reviews. No case report or a single institute experience will be considered for publication.

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Television and New Media

ISSN: 1527-4764eISSN: 1552-8316

Television & New Media (TVNM), published bi-monthly, is an international journal devoted to the most recent trends in the critical study of television and new media. TVNM addresses questions of how issues of economics, politics, culture and power are enacted through television and new media forms, texts, industries, and contexts. Topics for the journal engage with critical and interdisciplinary research into audiences and consumers, authors and producers, cultural history and geography, globalization, policy, citizenship, activism, and pedagogy as well as the intersections between social identities, such as race, class, and gender.

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Textile Research Journal

ISSN: 0040-5175eISSN: 1746-7748

The Textile Research Journal is the leading peer reviewed Journal for textile research. It is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental, theoretical and applied scientific knowledge in materials, chemistry, manufacture and system sciences related to fibers, fibrous assemblies and textiles. The Journal serves authors and subscribers worldwide, and it is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit, novelty and originality.Fibers, fibrous assemblies, textiles, and other fiber-based materials such as nonwovens are of immense importance in today's global economy. In addition to their use in well-established consumer and industrial markets, they have widespread use in novel, non-traditional applications, such as in technical textiles, reinforced composites, geotextiles, personal care products, filtration, transportation, health care and biomaterials, smart, intelligent, electronic, and nano applications.Since its founding in 1930, The Textile Research Journal has served as the premier forum for the presentation of scientific results that introduce new concepts, innovative technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials, processes, chemistry and systems.In recently expanded monthly issues, TRJ has presented peer-reviewed research and review papers from leading research organizations. These papers deal with research in the design, development and measurement of natural and synthetic polymeric materials, fibers, engineered fabrics and textiles, including polymer mixtures and additives; the fabrication, developments in production processes, machinery, manufacture and testing of fibrous structures and fabricated products; chemical applications to, and modifications of, fibers and fiber substrates, including dyeing (coloring), finishing and waste reduction; and the management of product design, sourcing, economics, production, distribution and consumption systems.Manuscripts are welcomed from industrial laboratories, government research centers, universities, private research organizations, and independent scientists.

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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

ISSN: 0002-7162eISSN: 1552-3349

Since 1889, The American Academy of Political and Social Science has served as a forum for the free exchange of ideas among the well informed and intellectually curious. In this era of specialization, few scholarly periodicals cover the scope of societies and politics like The ANNALS . Each volume is guest edited by outstanding scholars and experts in the topics studied and presents more than 200 pages of timely, in-depth research on a significant topic of concern.

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The American Economist

ISSN: 0569-4345eISSN: 2328-1235
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