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Ecology Letters

ISSN: 1461-023XeISSN: 1461-0248

100% of editorial decisions are made within published limits and our average time from submission to first decision is currently 22 days. Ecology Letters is a forum for the very rapid publication of the most novel research in ecology. Manuscripts relating to the ecology of all taxa, in any biome and geographic area will be considered, and priority will be given to those papers exploring or testing clearly stated hypotheses. The journal publishes concise papers that merit urgent publication by virtue of their originality, general interest and their contribution to new developments in ecology. We discourage purely descriptive papers and those merely confirming or extending results of previous work.

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Ecology of Freshwater Fish

ISSN: 0906-6691eISSN: 1600-0633

The journal publishes original articles on all aspects of fish ecology and fishery sciences in lakes, rivers and estuaries, including ecologically oriented studies of behaviour, genetics and physiology and the conservation, development and management of recreational and commercial fisheries. Reports of studies examining ecological questions in an evolutionary framework are published as well, including research papers addressing evolutionary ecology, behavioral ecology, population ecology, and population biology. Papers dealing with the life stages of anadromous and catadromous species in estuaries and inshore coastal zones are also published if they contribute to the general understanding of fish ecology. Theoretical papers and studies of impact assessment and modeling are published if they generate testable hypotheses about real systems (fish communities, populations and/or species) or if published data are re-analysed to produce novel conclusions or syntheses. Articles, letters and reviews are published based on their scientific content. Occasionally, the proceedings of conferences and symposia are published if they are relevant and timely.

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Economic Affairs

ISSN: 0265-0665eISSN: 1468-0270
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Economic Anthropology

eISSN: 2330-4847
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Economic Inquiry

ISSN: 0095-2583eISSN: 1465-7295

Published since 1962, (formerly Western Economic Journal), EI is widely regarded as one of the top scholarly journals in its field. Besides containing research on all economics topic areas, a principal objective is to make each article understandable to economists who are not necessarily specialists in the article's topic area. Nine Nobel laureates are among EI's long list of prestigious authors.

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Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics

ISSN: 0391-5026eISSN: 1468-0300
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Economic Outlook

ISSN: 0140-489XeISSN: 1468-0319
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Economic Papers

ISSN: 0812-0439eISSN: 1759-3441
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Economic Record

ISSN: 0013-0249eISSN: 1475-4932

Published on behalf of the Economic Society of Australia, the Economic Record is intended to act as a vehicle for the communication of advances in knowledge and understanding in economics. It publishes papers in the theoretical, applied and policy areas of economics and provides a forum for research on the Australian economy. It also publishes surveys in economics and book reviews to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge. Subscription to the Economic Record includes a special issue publishing selected papers from the National Conference of Economists.

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Economics and Politics

ISSN: 0954-1985eISSN: 1468-0343
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Economics of Transition and Institutional Change

eISSN: 2577-6983

Economics of Transition publishes high-quality, refereed articles on the economics of structural transformation, institutional development, and growth. It presents innovative theoretical work and econometric analyses of the process of economic reform and its macroeconomic effects. The journal aims to promote new thinking on how institutions and institutional change can be analyzed and measured and how their impact on aggregate economic performance can be evaluated. In particular, the journal seeks original empirical and theoretical analysis of the experience of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, China and Vietnam, as well as enlightening studies of reform and institutional change in other emerging market environments, including India and those in Africa and Latin America. The journal publishes symposia and regular book reviews.

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Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice

ISSN: 0731-1745eISSN: 1745-3992
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Educational Theory

ISSN: 0013-2004eISSN: 1741-5446
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Electrical Engineering in Japan

ISSN: 0424-7760eISSN: 1520-6416

This authoritative journal is a translation of the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and publishes original research findings in power generation, transmission and conversion, electrical machinery, control theory and industrial controls, robotics, electrical transportation equipment (including magnetic levitation devices), insulation, solar energy, high-power semiconductors, as well as economic and environmental aspects of energy production and distribution.

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Electronics and Communications in Japan

ISSN: 1942-9533eISSN: 1942-9541

This journal is a translation of papers from the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. The journal publishes original research findings in power generation, transmission and conversion, electrical machinery, control theory and industrial controls, robotics, electrical transportation equipment (including magnetic levitation devices), insulation, solar energy, high-power semiconductors, as well as economic and environmental aspects of energy production and distribution.

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Electronics and Communications in Japan Part I: Communications

ISSN: 8756-6621eISSN: 1520-6424
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Electronics and Communications in Japan Part II: Electronics

ISSN: 8756-663XeISSN: 1520-6432
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Electronics and Communications in Japan Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science

ISSN: 1042-0967eISSN: 1520-6440
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Emergency Medicine Australasia

ISSN: 1742-6731eISSN: 1742-6723

Emergency Medicine Australasia is the official journal of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) and the Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine (ASEM) and aims to present papers and opinions on all aspects of emergency care in the prehospital and hospital environment. Authors are invited to submit any work that will contribute to the progress of emergency medicine within Australasia and worldwide. The Journal publishes peer reviewed articles, reports, reviews and opinions on the research and clinical practice of emergency care. Accepted papers become the copyright of the Journal. All original research articles, critical reviews and case reports are reviewed by at least two referees expert in the field of the submitted paper.

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Employment Relations Today

eISSN: 1520-6459